6th Grade Science
October 27th-31st

South Dakota Science Standard(s) Covered:
Indicator 1: Understand the nature and origin of scientific knowledge.

- Recognize scientific knowledge as not merely a set of static facts, but is dynamic and affords the best current explanations.

  • Complete appropriate forms for science fair.

Assignment:  Something Dangerous?  Humans (consent form) Finish Metric conversion. Measuring Length/Conversion Quiz.

  • Practice using the metric system.
  • Understand liquid volume is measured with a graduated cylinder.
  • Understand regular volume is measured using the formula length x width x height.

Assignment: Volume Notes (17).

  • Practice reading a graduated cylinder.

Assignment: Volume of Liquid practice (18).

  • Find volume of objects using the formula length x width x height.
  • Practice using the metric system.
  • Test precision and ability to follow directions.
  • Practice lab safety procedures.

Assignment:  Regular Volume Lab (19).

  • Place purpose, hypothesis, procedure, and bibliography together on one document.

Assignment:  Research Plan Attachment.  All Forms DUE!


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