Word Wall Vocabulary
6th Grade

analyze - summarizing data

controlled variable - the part of the experiment that stays the same

dependent variable - the part of the experiment that will be observed or measured

evidence - observations collected during experimentation

gram - metric unit for mass

hypothesis - a possible explanation or answer to a question

independent variable - the part of the experiment that is changed

inference - explanation based on prior knowledge and observation

law - accepted as fact - based on observation

length - width, height, thickness, or distance

liter - metric unit for liquid volume

mass - amount of matter in an object  

meter - metric unit for length  

observation - using the five senses to examine an object

predict - what you think will happen

SI - the International System of Units

technology - any tools that meet human needs

theory - explanation that has undergone significant testing but can change if new evidence arises

volume- the amount of space an object takes up

atom -
building block of everything

chemical properties - a description of how one substance reacts in the presence of another substance, ex. acids and bases

compound - a chemical combination of two or more different elements and cannot be taken apart physically

electron - subatomic particle with a negative charge - 1/2000 the mass of a proton or neutron - surround the nucleus of the atom

element - matter made up of only one kind of atom and cannot be broken down

mixture - two or more substances that are not chemically combined and can be separated by physical means

neutron - subatomic particle with no charge - inside the nucleus of the atom

proton - subatomic particle with a positive charge - inside the nucleus of the atom - number of protons = atomic number

physical properties - any characteristic of a material that can be observed without changing the identity of the material itself (boiling point and melting point)

subatomic particles - electrons, neutrons and protons

chemical energy - stored energy that is released by a chemical reaction

electrical energy - movement of electrically charged particles

energy - the ability to do work

kinetic energy - energy of motion

mechanical energy - movement of machine-like parts

nuclear energy - change in atom's makeup - most powerful form of energy

potential energy - stored energy

radiant energy - anything that gives off light

thermal energy - anything that gives off heat

acceleration -
change in speed and/or direction              

force - a push or pull

friction - force acting between two surfaces touching each other

gravity - attraction of a massive body on objects at or near its surface

magnetism - the ability of an object to attract metals

magnitude - greatness in size

motion - change in position

speed - measure of how fast an object changes position

velocity - measure of the speed and direction of an object

weight - pull of gravity on a mass

– irregularly shaped object that orbits the sun

astronomical unit
– AU – measurement of the average distance between the sun and Earth = 150,000,000 km

comet – ball of ice and rock with two tails

gas giant – outer planets that are bigger, farther away, colder, and made out of gas

meteor -  a meteoroid burning up in the Earth's atmosphere

orbit – the path a celestial body travels around the sun or a planet

solar system – planets, sun, comets, asteroids, meteoroids, moons

terrestrial planet – inner planets that are earthlike – rocky, smaller, warmer, closer together 


sthenosphere - middle mantle - lithosphere floats on it - convection currents happen here

convection current -   process of cooling material sinking and pushing warmer material up

convergent boundary - place where two plates collide

divergent boundary - place where two plates are moving away from each other

lithosphere - rock that floats on the asthenosphere - crust and upper mantle - makes up tectonic plates

plate boundary - place where two plates meet

plate tectonics - theory that Earth’s crust and upper mantle are broken into pieces (lithosphere) called tectonic plates

seismic waves - earthquake waves used to measure the density of the Earth’s layers

transform boundary - place where two plates are moving horizontally past each other