8th Grade Science
April 27th-May 1st

South Dakota Science Standard(s) Covered:

8.E.2.1.  Students are able to compare celestial bodies within the solar system using composition, size, and orbital motion.

bullet Describe the composition of the Sun, the planets, asteroids, and comets.
bulletLearn about the history of space travel.

Assignment: When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions.

bulletLearn vocabulary aligned with the solar system.

Assignment:  Pink Word Wall Words.

bulletLearn vocabulary aligned with the solar system.
bullet Practice basic concepts of measurement and distance.
bullet Strengthen knowledge of planets in the solar system Increasing understanding of size of the sun and other planets.
bullet Explore the scale of the solar system.

Assignment:  Pink Words due. Pink Words quiz.  Scale model of planets and sun.

bulletLearn about the history of space travel.

Assignment:  When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions.

bullet Practice basic concepts of measurement and distance.
bullet Strengthen knowledge of planets in the solar system Increasing understanding of size of the sun and other planets.
bullet Explore the scale of the solar system.

Assignment:  Scale model of planets and sun - size.


2014-2015 Lesson Plans

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