8th Grade Science
January 19th-23rd

South Dakota Science Standard(s) Covered:
8.N.2.1.  Students are able to design a replicable scientific investigation.
8.E.1.1.  Students are able to identify and classify minerals and rocks.

bulletObserve, record and organize data, and draw conclusions.
bulletCommunicate scientific research.
bulletWork cooperatively.
bulletBudget time, organize work into manageable chunks, keep to a schedule, and delegate work.
bulletUse reading, writing, research, and computer skills.
bulletHighlight the major content of science project by writing an abstract using 250 words or less.

Assignment: Review Display Board. Type Abstract - share by Friday. 

bulletCommunicate scientific research.
bulletSpeak before an audience.
bulletUse stance, movement, gestures, facial expressions and eye contact.
bulletMake your body language smooth and natural.
bulletUse voice volume, pitch, rate and quality to reflect and add meaning to presentation.
bulletUse display board correctly with ease and confidence.
bulletAvoid using notes.
bullet Investigate the structure of minerals.
bullet Classify the two major groups of minerals.
bullet Compare the seven ways to determine the identity of minerals. 
bullet Investigate special properties of minerals.

Assignment:  Practice presenting science project.  Presentation Rubric. Cornell Notes pgs. 66-73. 

bullet Investigate the structure of minerals.
bullet Classify the two major groups of minerals.
bullet Compare the seven ways to determine the identity of minerals. 
bullet Investigate special properties of minerals.

Assignment: Discuss Cornell Notes pgs. 66-73. Quiz.

bullet Compare the seven ways to determine the identity of minerals. 
bullet Investigate special properties of minerals.

Test the properties of minerals.

Assignment:  Minerals ID Lab.

bullet Compare the seven ways to determine the identity of minerals. 
bullet Investigate special properties of minerals.

Test the properties of minerals.

Assignment:  Minerals ID Lab.


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