8th Grade Science
December 15th-19th

South Dakota Science Standard(s) Covered:

8.N.2.1.  Students are able to design a replicable scientific investigation.


Use appropriate supportive technologies.


Assess the limits of accuracy inherent in a particular measuring device or procedure.


Interpret data to justify predictions or conclusions.


Select appropriate scientific equipment and technologies for investigations and experiments.


Use proper safety procedures in all investigations.


Evaluate the benefits and potential of scientific investigations.

8.E.1.4. Students are able to examine the chemical and physical properties of the ocean to determine causes and effects of currents and waves.

Monday No Class - Out early because of ice.  
bulletUnderstand the concept of density.
bulletLearn that density is this property which causes some liquids to float on top of one another.
bulletUse the following skills: observation and recording data based on the observations.

Assignment:  Density Quiz.  Weathering Title Page.

bulletBrainstorm and design.
bulletBuild, test, evaluate, and redesign.

Assignment:  Boat Challenge.

bulletObserve, record and organize data, and draw conclusions.
bulletCommunicate scientific research.
bulletWork cooperatively.
bulletBudget time, organize work into manageable chunks, keep to a schedule, and delegate work.
bulletUse reading, writing, research, and computer skills.

Assignment:  Project data book.

bulletObserve, record and organize data, and draw conclusions.
bulletCommunicate scientific research.
bulletWork cooperatively.
bulletBudget time, organize work into manageable chunks, keep to a schedule, and delegate work.
bulletUse reading, writing, research, and computer skills.

Assignment:  Project data book.


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