8th Grade Science
September 29th- October 3rd

South Dakota Science Standard(s) Covered:
8.P.1.1. Students are able to classify matter as elements, compounds, or mixtures.
8.P.1.2. Students are able to use the Periodic Table to compare and contrast families of
             elements and to classify elements as metals, metalloids, or non-metals.
8.P.1.3. Students are able to compare properties of matter resulting from physical and chemical

bulletResearch the history of similar experiments or inventions.
bulletResearch definitions of all important words and concepts that describe science project.
bulletAnswer all background research plan questions.

Assignment:  Research for science fair project.  Print research articles. Read and Highlight articles...due Friday at the beginning of class.  http://auth.grolier.com/login/go_login_page.html   
Username: egogrolier
Pass word: heat

bulletAtoms are made of extremely tiny particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons.
bulletProtons and neutrons are in the center of the atom, making up the nucleus.
bulletElectrons surround the nucleus.
bulletProtons have a positive charge.
bulletElectrons have a negative charge.
bulletThe charge on the proton and electron are exactly the same size but opposite.
bulletNeutrons have no charge.
bulletSince opposite charges attract, protons and electrons attract each other.

Assignment:  Atomic Math Challenges.

bulletIdentify the chemical symbols of elements.
bulletIdentify the different parts of an atom.
bulletDetermine the atomic number, atomic mass, & the # of protons, neutrons and electrons for each atom.

Assignment:  Atomic Math Quiz (27).  Drawing a Bohr Diagram. Notes(28).

bulletDevelop a basic understanding of experimental design.
bulletUse a model to explain indirect observation.
bulletDevelop and test hypothesis.
bulletObserve, record observations.
bulletRetest and draw conclusions based upon investigation.

Assignment:  Mystery Boxes (29-33).

bulletDevelop a basic understanding of experimental design.
bulletUse a model to explain indirect observation.
bulletDevelop and test hypothesis.
bulletObserve, record observations.
bulletRetest and draw conclusions based upon investigation.
bulletUse the 6 + 1 writing trait, "organization".
bulletUse an inviting lead that "hooks" the reader.
bulletPlace supporting details so that they fit.
bulletUse logical and effective structure, order, and sequence.
bulletGive information at just the right moment.
bulletUse smooth transitions to help the ideas flow together.

Assignment:  Discussion of Mystery Boxes (29-33).  Introduction for science project...rough draft due Wednesday.


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