6th Grade Science
December 2nd-6th

South Dakota Science Standard(s) Covered:
Indicator 1: Understand the nature and origin of scientific knowledge.

- Recognize scientific knowledge as not merely a set of static facts, but is dynamic and affords the best current explanations.

Describe structures and properties of, and changes in, matter.
6.P.1.1. Students are able to identify the subatomic particles that make up atoms.

  • Observe, record and organize data, and draw conclusions.
  • Communicate scientific research.
  • Work cooperatively.
  • Budget time, organize work into manageable chunks, keep to a schedule, and delegate work.
  • Use reading, writing, research, and computer skills.

Assignment:  tables, graphs, analysis, & conclusion

  • Observe, record and organize data, and draw conclusions.
  • Communicate scientific research.
  • Work cooperatively.
  • Budget time, organize work into manageable chunks, keep to a schedule, and delegate work.
  • Use reading, writing, research, and computer skills.

Assignment:  tables, graphs, analysis, & conclusion

  • Observe, record and organize data, and draw conclusions.
  • Communicate scientific research.
  • Work cooperatively.
  • Budget time, organize work into manageable chunks, keep to a schedule, and delegate work.
  • Use reading, writing, research, and computer skills.

Assignment:  tables, graphs, analysis, & conclusion

  • Use the 6 + 1 writing trait, "organization".
    • Use an inviting lead that "hooks" the reader.
    • Place supporting details so that they fit.
    • Use logical and effective structure, order, and sequence.
    • Give information at just the right moment.
    • Use smooth transitions to help the ideas flow together.
  • Create a detailed step-by-step description of how experiment will be done for science project.

Assignment:  Fix Introduction.  Fix Procedure.  Fix Research Plan Attachment.

  • Understand how elements in the periodic table are arranged.
  • Identify the chemical symbols of elements.

Assignment: Observation of Periodic Table of Elements.


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