6th Grade Science
October 13th-17th

South Dakota Science Standard(s) Covered:
Indicator 1: Understand the nature and origin of scientific knowledge.

Recognize scientific knowledge as not merely a set of static facts, but is dynamic and affords the best current explanations.

Monday No School - Native American Day  
  • Demonstrate knowledge of scientific tools, measurement, and safety.
  • Learn the parts of a TBB.
  • Learn the correct way to use a Triple Beam Balance. 
  • Take precise measurements when finding the mass of an object.

Assignment:  Mass Lab (15).

  • Demonstrate knowledge of scientific tools, measurement, and safety.
  • Learn the parts of a TBB.
  • Learn the correct way to use a Triple Beam Balance. 
  • Create a detailed step-by-step description of how experiment will be done for science project.

Assignment: Review Mass Lab (15). Form 1B due Friday.

  • Understand the simplicity of converting metric units using a "metric ladder".
  • Practice conversion of metric units.

Assignment: Metric Conversion (16). Presentation

  • Create a detailed step-by-step description of how experiment will be done for science project.

Assignment: Review article analysis.  Procedure rough draft.


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