8th Grade Science
February 3rd-7th

South Dakota Science Standard(s) Covered:
8.N.2.1.  Students are able to design a replicable scientific investigation.
8.E.1.1.  Students are able to identify and classify minerals and rocks.

bulletExplore the history of minerals and mining in South Dakota.

Assignment:  Read "Beneath South Dakota's Black Hills" and "History of Homestake Gold Mine." Arrange excerpts from articles into a found poem.

bulletExplore the history of minerals and mining in South Dakota.
bulletDiscover four processes that shape Earth’s features.
bulletDiscover how each type of rock changes into another type as it moves through the rock cycle.
bulletCompare two characteristics of rock that are used to help classify it.

Assignment:  Place found poems on class wikiFrayer Models.

bulletExplain how the cooling rate of magma affects the texture of igneous rock.
bulletDistinguish between igneous rock that cools within Earth's crust and igneous rock that cools at Earth's surface.  
bulletDescribe the origin of sedimentary rock.
bulletLearn the three main categories of sedimentary rock.
bulletIdentify three types of sedimentary structures.
bulletDescribe two ways a rock can undergo metamorphism.
bulletExplain how the mineral composition of rocks changes as the rocks undergo metamorphism.
bulletDescribe the difference between foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rock.
bulletExplain how metamorphic rock structures are related to deformation.

Assignment:  Review Frayer Models.

bulletCommunicate scientific research.
bulletSpeak before an audience.
bulletUse stance, movement, gestures, facial expressions and eye contact.
bulletMake your body language smooth and natural.
bulletUse voice volume, pitch, rate and quality to reflect and add meaning to presentation.
bulletUse display board correctly with ease and confidence.
bulletAvoid using notes.
bullet Compare the seven ways to determine the identity of minerals. 
bullet Investigate special properties of minerals.

Test the properties of minerals.

Assignment:  Present science project.  Presentation Rubric.

bulletCommunicate scientific research.
bulletSpeak before an audience.
bulletUse stance, movement, gestures, facial expressions and eye contact.
bulletMake your body language smooth and natural.
bulletUse voice volume, pitch, rate and quality to reflect and add meaning to presentation.
bulletUse display board correctly with ease and confidence.
bulletAvoid using notes.
bullet Compare the seven ways to determine the identity of minerals. 
bullet Investigate special properties of minerals.

Test the properties of minerals.

Assignment:  Present science project.  Presentation Rubric.

2013-2014 Lesson Plans

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