8th Grade Science
December 2nd-6th

South Dakota Science Standard(s) Covered:
8.E.1.5. Students are able to explain the impact of weathering and erosion on the Earth.

bullet Gather evidence to show that soils are made from a mixture of different-sized materials.
bullet Classify the soil as sand, silt, or clay.
bullet Use common units of measurement to collect data.
bullet Determine that soils from different environments have different compositions and properties.
bulletComplete appropriate forms for science fair.
bulletResearch the history of similar experiments or inventions.
bulletResearch definitions of all important words and concepts that describe science project.
bulletAnswer all background research plan questions.

Assignment:  Review soil lab.  Place research in binder.  Double check all forms - due Wednesday.  Adult Checklist, Approval Form 1B, & Student Checklist 1A

bullet Observe, record and organize data, and draw conclusions.
bullet Communicate scientific research.
bullet Work cooperatively.
bullet Budget time, organize work into manageable chunks, keep to a schedule, and delegate work.
bullet Use reading, writing, research, and computer skills.

Assignment:  Analysis practice.  Analysis and graphs due Friday.

bulletExplore the history of the Dust Bowl.
bulletExamine the history of settlement in the Great Plains.
bulletAnalyze the farm practices that turned grasslands and wilderness into cropland.

Assignment:  Weathering Brainstorming - now what do you know? (47)


Consider the factors that led to the Dust Bowl of the 1930s


Determine that natural earth processes can cause natural hazards that destroy human property and wildlife habitats.


Understand that human activities can induce hazards through land use decisions that may accelerate natural processes.


Realize that the composition of the soil in a particular area can change over time.

Assignment: View Surviving the Dust Bowl.


Consider the factors that led to the Dust Bowl of the 1930s


Determine that natural earth processes can cause natural hazards that destroy human property and wildlife habitats.


Understand that human activities can induce hazards through land use decisions that may accelerate natural processes.


Realize that the composition of the soil in a particular area can change over time.

Assignment: View Surviving the Dust Bowl.

2013-2014 Lesson Plans

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