8th Grade Science
September 23rd-27th

South Dakota Science Standard(s) Covered:
8.P.1.1. Students are able to classify matter as elements, compounds, or mixtures.
8.P.1.2. Students are able to use the Periodic Table to compare and contrast families of
             elements and to classify elements as metals, metalloids, or non-metals.
8.P.1.3. Students are able to compare properties of matter resulting from physical and chemical

bulletCreate a detailed step-by-step description of how experiment will be done for science project.
bulletUse an if then statement to write a hypothesis.

Assignment:  Hypothesis and Procedure for science project. 

bulletCreate a detailed step-by-step description of how experiment will be done for science project.
bulletUse an if then statement to write a hypothesis.

Assignment:  Hypothesis and Procedure for science project.

bulletDevelop memory devices for 25 element symbols.
bulletIdentify the chemical symbols of elements.
bulletIdentify the different parts of an atom.
bulletDetermine the atomic number, atomic mass, & the # of protons, neutrons and electrons for each atom.

Assignment:  Memory Techniques (21)

bulletIdentify the chemical symbols of elements.
bulletIdentify the different parts of an atom.
bulletDetermine the atomic number, atomic mass, & the # of protons, neutrons and electrons for each atom.

Assignment:  Element Symbol Quiz #1 (22).  Periodic Puns.

bulletIdentify the chemical symbols of elements.
bulletIdentify the different parts of an atom.
bulletDetermine the atomic number, atomic mass, & the # of protons, neutrons and electrons for each atom.

Assignment:  Element Symbol Quiz #2 (23).  Periodic Puns.  Hypothesis and Procedure due.

2013-2014 Lesson Plans

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