Middle School Science
Mrs. Bartels

Course Description
Science is a process of building theories from evidence.  Middle School Science provides opportunities to develop and practice many of the skills that scientists demonstrate.  This class helps students become aware that their ideas change over time as they confront new evidence or use new tools or models to examine data.

Students will be able to understand scientific explanations, generate scientific evidence, reflect on scientific knowledge, and participate productively in science. 

You must bring to class each day your planner, covered textbook, composition notebook, sticky notes, and a pencil and/or pen.


Policy: A written principle or rule to guide decision-making.


Policies are principles that determine decisions and actions. They are a plan of action for handling issues.


bullet Grades will be earned according to accuracy, correctness, and neatness. 
bullet Assignments may be done in pencil or pen.
bullet You may print or write in cursive. Writing that cannot be read cannot be graded and will have to be redone during an ICU.
bullet Assignments must include name, date, and assignment title.
bullet All work is due when called for in class; worked turned in at any time after this will be considered late.
**Definition of Late: 1 - - not in when called for in class
                                     2 - - not in within two days after return from illness
                                     3 - - not delivered on due date for non-illness absence                

     (choir or athletics)

**Excuses for late work (broken printer, left it at home, etc.) are not acceptable.


Students will serve an ICU to earn FULL credit for a late assignment.

·         Assignment will not be accepted until ICU is served.

·         Students must bring something to work on during the ICU:

o   the assignment, other homework, a book to read

bullet When written instructions have not been followed, the work is incomplete.
bullet Incomplete work will not be accepted.
bullet It will have to be redone following all instructions.
bullet Credit will be earned after serving an ICU.
bullet Planners will be used to log everything done in class.

Everything done in class is organized in a composition notebook.  Nothing is thrown away!!


Make-Up Work

bullet Make-up work is the responsibility of the student.
bullet Students have two days for each day absent to complete the missing work.
bullet Copies of assignments and handouts can be found in the folder for each class.
bullet My website – http://mb081.k12.sd.us/ – also has many assignments posted for student access.


bullet Tests must be made-up during a study hall on the day you return to school.  If you do not have a study hall, the test will be made-up during your science class period.
*** Students must communicate with me on when the test will be made-up.
bullet Many quizzes will be given over the school year.  Some quizzes will be used as bonus points and never count against your grade.
*** If you are absent, you lose the opportunity to receive bonus points!


bullet Students will be counted tardy when:
bullet They are not in the room when the tardy bell rings.
bullet They are not in their assigned seats when I take attendance.

Academic Dishonesty
Academic integrity means that all work is done by the students. Any type of dishonesty in school work is not integrity. Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:

bullet Copying the work of another student.
bullet Using notes during tests and quizzes without permission.
bullet Copying and pasting from electronic media.
bullet Providing answers to others.

When academic dishonesty occurs:

bullet All students involved will earn a zero for the assignment.
bullet Parents of the dishonest students will be called.
bullet Detention will be assigned.

Substitute Teacher


Substitute teachers are to be treated respectfully and politely.


More than one detention will be assigned to anyone giving the substitute a “hard time”.

Damaging School Property

bullet Any damage to school property will require restitution on the part of the student.
bullet The type of restitution depends on extent of the damage.
bullet Destroyed items will be paid for or replaced by the student.
bullet Damaging school property includes, but is not limited to:
bullet Writing on desks, stools, walls or any other school property
bullet Writing in books, bending book pages


Procedure: a particular course of action intended to achieve a result, a particular way of accomplishing an objective.


Procedures are the way that we do things in science. We have procedures so that our class runs smoothly and safely. Procedures help make sure that everyone in the class understands how the class works and help make sure that every one has the same chance to learn.


Start of Class

bullet Come into the room and sit in your assigned seat.
bullet Assignments will be on the white board at the front of the classroom.  Copy assignments into your planner.
bullet If you need to pick up materials or supplies or turn in an assignment, instructions will be given.
bullet You will be counted tardy if you are not in the room when the tardy bell rings or in your assigned seat when I take attendance.

End of Class

bullet Begin to clean up and put your materials away only AFTER you have been given instructions to do so. DO NOT get ready to leave early.
bullet Put ALL supplies, materials, and equipment back in the appropriate place.
bullet Clean up any trash; wipe down the table if needed.
bullet Remain at your assigned seat until the bell rings and you are dismissed.

Finishing Early

bullet Use this time efficiently and wisely.
bullet Check your science notes.
bullet Study your notes, background information, and vocabulary.
bullet Read your science textbook.
bullet Do not use extra time to socialize with people around you; you will distract those who need time to finish their work.

Substitute Teacher

bullet Substitute teachers are to be treated respectfully and politely.
bullet More than one detention will be assigned to anyone giving the substitute a “hard time”.

Getting Materials, Supplies, and Equipment

bullet General materials (stapler, hole punch, etc) for student use are kept on the desk by the front counter. Other supplies are in different places around the room.

***Materials on the teacher’s desk and counter are OFF LIMITS to students.

bullet Pick up supplies AFTER you have been given instructions to do so.
bullet Supplies, materials, and equipment already on your table at the start of class must be left alone until instructions are given for their use.


bullet Do not write or mark in the books.
bullet You need your textbook for every science class unless otherwise specified.

Handing in Papers

bullet All work is due when called for. Work not turned in at this time will be late.
bullet Your article analysis can be handed in early in the specified tray.
bullet Late papers may be handed in during the 30 minute detention.

Computer Use

bullet You must be working on the current assignment.
bullet No settings (screensavers or desktop) may be changed on the computers.
bullet No email or messaging.
bullet No inappropriate websites.
bullet Violations of computer use will result in a suspension of computer privileges.

Individual Work

bullet Students will work without talking during individual work.
bullet Individual work is just that – individual – there is no helping or sharing during these assignments.

Group Work

bullet Some of our work is group work.
bullet QUIET talking is allowed during group work.
bullet If materials or supplies are needed during group work, someone will be assigned to get the supplies. Only one person from each group is allowed out of their seat at a time.
bullet Do your fair share of the work.
bullet Collaborate with your group. That means sharing, learning, participating and helping EVERYONE in the group.
bullet Practice Active Listening.
bullet Eyes on me and remain quiet during instruction

Class Discussion

bullet Raise your hand to speak; wait to be called on.
bullet Speak in an inside voice (no yelling).
bullet If we are having a brainstorming discussion, it will not be necessary to raise your hands. It will be necessary to speak one at a time without interrupting

Leaving the Classroom During Class

bullet If it is a non-emergency, please do not interrupt to ask to leave; ask during independent work time.
bullet If you feel sick or faint, ask immediately. This is the one time when it is not rude to interrupt. If you feel like you are going to be sick and do not have time to ask, go straight to the restroom!
bullet You must have your planner or you may not leave the room.
bullet Bring me your planner, with the time and where you are going already written in, and I will sign it for you.
bullet You may bring me your planner for signing during independent work.
bullet Do not interrupt instructions, class discussion, or student questions to ask to leave the room.
bullet If you do not have your planner, you will not be allowed to leave the room.

Talking & Asking Questions

bullet Whenever another person is speaking, you should be listening.
bullet Raise your hand to speak. Wait to be called upon.
bullet Never interrupt someone while they are speaking. Interrupting demonstrates very bad manners.
bullet Quiet talking is allowed during group work.
bullet If you have a question during a lab or activity,
bullet Try to problem-solve the question in your group. 
bullet If your group is “stuck” raise your hand and let me come to you.
bullet Be patient, there are a lot more of you than there is of me.

Sharpening Pencils & Borrowing Supplies

bullet Be prepared with all of your supplies BEFORE class begins.
bullet Electric pencil sharpeners are kept on the counter.  
bullet There are other supplies on the desk that you may use without asking. They are there for you.
bullet Never sharpen your pencil or ask to borrow something while someone is talking.  This is very inconsiderate and shows bad manners.


Absences create issues that often affect a student’s progress and grade.  These issues include missing important class activities and discussions, and neglecting to follow through with appropriate procedures after an absence (see below).  It is the student’s responsibility to follow through on absence procedures.  

1.       On the day you return, turn in assignments that were due during your absence.

2.       On the day you return, copy a “reliable” student’s planner into your own for the day(s) you were absent.

3.       Get any handouts, assignments, or notes given during your absence and see if any tests/quizzes were missed. 

4.       Show me your filled-in planner and I’ll sign your make-up slip.  If you do not show me a make-up slip, I will assume that you were unexcused for your absence.  Unexcused absences earn a zero for all work done while you were gone.

5.       Arrange to meet with me for further explanation or to make arrangements for a missed test or quiz.

6.       Turn in missed assignments by the due date we agree upon.


Following Written Instructions
Almost all written assignments will have instructions and directions printed on them.  Although you will usually be given oral instructions in class, the written instructions will be there to remind you of what you are to do and for you to double check what you are doing.

bullet You are responsible for checking the written instructions.
bullet Always read the written instructions before beginning any work.
bullet Check the written instructions before you turn any work in to be graded.
bullet Have you completed all parts of the assignment?
bullet Turn the paper over and make sure there is nothing on the back
bullet If you have been asked to explain your reasoning, have you done so?
bullet If you have been asked to use notebook paper, have you done so?

Assigned Seats

bullet Seating will always be assigned.
bullet In some classes students will be allowed to pick their assigned seat.
bullet Students that are allowed to pick their own seats are those that show maturity, responsibility, and the ability to follow procedures.
bullet Students are to remain in their assigned seat from bell to bell.
bullet Do not get up to talk to classmates.
bullet Do not change seats to work with friends.
bullet When it is necessary to leave your seat, you will be given instructions on when and how to do so.

Fire Drill

bullet At the sound of the alarm, stop whatever you are doing and line up at the door
bullet We will go down the main hallway and out the south door.
bullet Walk without talking


bullet Tests and quizzes are important ways for students to demonstrate what they have learned. The results of this type of evaluation help guide instruction in class.
bullet NO talking of any kind will permitted until every student is finished with the assignment. Talking:
bullet Disturbs others.
bullet Can be mistaken for academic dishonesty.
bullet If another assignment is not given, students must quietly work on other homework or read after a test or quiz.
bullet Quizzes are generally graded in class by other students.

Video & Multimedia Presentations
Videos, PowerPoints, and other forms of multimedia will be used during classroom instruction. They will rarely last more than half of a class period; 20 minutes on average. Presentations are another type of instruction; students must pay attention to them in order to understand the information being presented.

bullet There is no talking of any kind during presentations.
bullet Presentations are not an appropriate time to ask to leave the class.